Location: 39.440917, -76.950126
Parking: Limited, end of road turn around
Equestrian Notes: Parking is certainly possible for a smaller equestrian rig. Many equestrians bordering this area, use these trails.
Trail Distance: 1.7 miles
Elevation Gain: 216.5 feet
Difficulty: Moderate
Caution: Stream crossings, make shift bridges, washed out areas. Trail butts up to residential property. Be sure to stay on reservoir property. There are also several offshoot trails leading to private property.
Tracks: Washed out double & single tacks.
Description: It must be noted that this is a decommissioned area per Baltimore City’s DPW; however, it is heavily used by mountain bikers, hikers, equestrians, hunters, and fishers. The Friends of Liberty Reservoir is working extremely hard to have DPW take the status of “decommissioned” off this area. Many portions of this trail are washed out and sediment, etc. is eroding in to the reservoir.
Points of Interest: Stream crossings, bridge, Little Morgan Run

Washed Out Area with Make Shift Bridge

Little Morgan Run

Washed Out Area

Alternate Stream Crossing to Avoid Washed Out Area

Old farm (private property) to be developed