About FoLR
We're a group of citizens that realized our reservoir could use some TLC. We gather and make a valiant attempt to clean up the surrounding area in order to keep trash and other items out of our precious water source.
We are also committed to eradicating invasive species from the watershed area and do our best to identify and remove.

With our organization’s mission always in mind, we strive to find new strategies for dealing with the challenge of trash left behind in our beautiful reservoir. Since 2019 the Friends of Liberty Reservoir has organized month recycling/trash pick up events within Liberty Reservoir. Please see our events page to join us!
The Friends of Liberty Reservoir is actively informing Baltimore City's Department of Public Works of areas in need of repair within the reservoir. We hope in the future to work in conjunction with them and be be instrumental in the upkeep of the fire road and trails for the safety and enjoyment of all. We are always striving to make a difference, and invite you to lern more.
Additionally, our group is passionate about assisting Baltimore City's Department of Public Works in addressing invasive species within Liberty Reservoir. We are anxiously awaiting the final report to come out in 2022, and then plan to work with them to help address invasive species issues. Reach out if you are interested in helping out.
When we learned that areas within the reservoir were decommissioned without public input, we made it our mission to be a singular voice of the community. We are starting at ground level with our recycling/trash events, but continue to strive for a cooperative agreement with the city of Baltimore Department of Public Works. We are looking forward to providing input and ultimately regain the use of these areas with the addition of environmentally sustainable fire roads/trails. Read more about the decision to close these trails here.
Read more about the Poole and Pouder Road area here.

The Friends of Liberty Reservoir (FoLR) is a group of bikers, equestrians, fishers, hikers, hunters, nature lovers, runners, and other outdoor enthusiasts. We strive to represent all facets of Liberty Reservoir recreational use.
FoLR sprouted in 2017, but officially became organized and known as the Friends of Liberty Reservoir in 2019. During this relatively short time, the FoLR has made significant strides in awareness, communication, and commradery with Baltimore City's Department of Public Works (owners of Liberty Reservoir) like no other group has done before.
Today we have a Board of Directors and Officers that help steer our productive path forward.

Stephanie Brennan, President
Jennifer Kolodny, Vice President
Chris Holmes, Secretary & Webmaster
Jennifer Magers, Treasurer
Carole Williamson, Publicity, Facebook Coordinator